Our Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday by Appointment
Sunday: Closed

Live Better with Better Hearing!
La dolce vita, the sweet life, is an expression used to describe a life full of beauty,
pleasures and the mundane. It means a life of music, love, good food and conversation!
We are dedicated to helping people enjoy the good life through better hearing!
Hearing Test
The purpose of a hearing test is to determine if you have a hearing loss and if so, how severe. Our extensive hearing test will help determine the type of hearing loss; conductive, sensorineural or mixed hearing loss. The testing helps determine if you will respond best to medical treatment or the use of medical hearing aids.
Maintenance &
In-Office Repairs
Our staff will clean and maintain your hearing aids so that you will always be hearing to the best of your ability. If your hearing aid does encounter a problem, we will always try to repair it in-office first to avoid costly factory repairs.
Hearing Aid
Hearing aid settings should be customized to your lifestyle, comfort levels and recent hearing test. We use programming software specific to your brand of hearing aids to ensure the proper settings. We will reprogram most hearing aids purchased elsewhere.

Meet Your Vita Hearing Care Team
The Gilane Family is "HEAR" for you! Combined, we have over 30 years of experience in the hearing care industry. ​Jeff Gilane is our Hearing Instrument Specialist and co-owner. Cynthia Gilane is our Repair/Cleaning expert and co-owner. Sadie is our CMO (Chief Mascot Officer). Together, we are your Independant Lifetime Hearing Partners!